City of Launceston COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday 8 April 2021 [P79]
15 NOTICES OF MOTION Local Government (Meeting Procedures) Regulations 2015 - Regulation 16(5) 15.
1 Notice of Motion - Renaming of Batman Bridge - Councillor T G Walker
FILE NO: SF5547 AUTHOR: Councillor T G Walker
DECISION STATEMENT: To consider a Notice of Motion regarding renaming of the Batman Bridge.
That Council:
1. notes George Town Council’s recent motion seeking to recognise and commemorate the leetermairremener people’s connection with the greater kanamaluka/Tamar River area in consultation with the Aboriginal community;
2. acknowledges the name of Batman Bridge is inappropriate for clear historical reasons;
3. agrees to write to the State government requesting they start a process to rename the bridge as soon as possible; and
4. agrees to write to seek support for this change from West Tamar Council and George Town Council.
Historical records clearly show John Batman was directly responsible for the death of Tasmanian Aboriginal men, women and children. For this reason his name should not be used in any public nomenclature. Historical records also show John Batman was involved in significant colonial events. These events in no way diminish his culpability as a murderer. In removing John Batman’s name from the bridge over the kanamaluka/Tamar River, we will not change or forget history, but we will contribute to reconciling the future. City of Launceston
OFFICER COMMENT: (Mr Michael Stretton - Chief Executive Officer)
Given that the Batman Bridge is not located within the City of Launceston and is a State Government owned asset, consideration of this motion is political in nature and there is no need for professional advice to be provided.
Councillors are advised that on Friday, 26 March 2021, the Council received correspondence from the George Town Council requesting that it consider and provide a response to the following motion that was passed by that Council on 23 March 2021:
that the George Town Council write to the City of Launceston Council and to the West Tamar Council in request of their endorsement and collaboration as the Northern Collective Councils to seek the State Government permission to erect a respectful and significant art sculpture and plaque at the site of the Batman Bridge commemorating the North Midlands first nations people the leetermairremener people which stretched from Low Head to Launceston and both sides of the kanamaluka/Tamar river.
Should all Councils endorse this and agree to collaborate on this project and we gain the State Governments permission, the collective would then seek funding to:
• consult with our collective Aboriginal communities
• seek submissions for the public art
• commission the artwork
• cover engineering scoping and planning fees
• cover DA fees
• and any other scoping or building capital identified during the process.
The Council wrote to the George Town Council General Manager on 30 March 2021 advising that the matter would be discussed at a future Council Workshop and that a response would be provided once this Workshop has been conducted or after a decision of Council is made on the matter.
We advised that this process may take some time to complete.
ECONOMIC IMPACT: Not considered relevant to this report.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Not considered relevant to this report.
SOCIAL IMPACT: Not considered relevant to this report.
City of Launceston Corporate Strategic Plan 2014-2024 Strategic
Priority 3: We are a progressive leader that is accountable to our governance obligations and responsive to our community.
10-Year Goal: To ensure decisions are made in a transparent and accountable way, that effectively meet our statutory obligations, support quality services and underpin the longterm sustainability of our organisation.
Focus Areas: 1. To provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community.
3. To ensure decisions are made on the basis of accurate and relevant information.
BUDGET & FINANCIAL ASPECTS: Not considered relevant to this report.
DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS: The officer has no conflict of interest in this item.
a. the State Government renaming the bridge;
b. the installation of an art sculpture and plaque at the site of the bridge until consultation has been completed and the results support the proposals.
For: Crs, Allen, Ferguson, Greene, Holmdahl, Kearney, Lyons, Ireland, Shegog & Woinarski. Against Nil.
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